Without Bones

Without Bones, Prima is lonely. More lonely then I would have thought given her normal standoffish mare-ish behavior. She cried a high pitched "something's missing whinny all the rest of the day on the Monday Bones was put down even though she'd been give a sedative..both so that she could have her teeth done and deal with Bones absence. I was surprised. Horses miss their herds.

My wonderful neighbors noticed that Bones was gone, especially the lady with the toddler down the street, who always stops, rolls down her window so he can wave at the horsies. She left a nice card and bouquet of flowers on my porch. Personally, I cried a lot; off & and on all day, even though I was ready for it. Very difficult to watch something die. I don't know how hunters do it.

In some ways it was a relief. A task that had been weighing on my mind now complete.

In many ways it frees me up. Chores take half the time and half the money. I can rope small areas off for Prima to graze that Bones couldn't see, and I have small obstacles and jumps set up in the arena gain. This may not thrill the girl, but I like it! I don't have to worry about Bones panicking and hurting himself if Prima's gone. This weekend I am going to clean out the horse trailer and prep it for some trail rides later on in the year.

Many of you called or stopped by to make sure I was OK. I really appreciate that. I have the best friends and the best family around. Lucky me.

1 comment:

The Looney Kids said...

I had meant to at least email you or something last week when all this occured, I'm so sorry I didn't, I got sick, then Lucas got sick (and is still...see my last postings...) but that's no excuse! But to cheer you up we'll see you in 2 weeks :)

Mikayla says Hi Nana!