Ty and Kara Come to Visit with their Great Nana

Ty and Kara arrived on Thursday with Mikayla and Lucas. All the way from Texas. Mom came up (with dinner!) since I had to work. I arrived home right before Lucas' bedtime, but we had time for a few cuddles with the kids. They're amazing! Mikayla didn't know what to do calling two diffent people Nana! She kept flitting between the two of us. Her speech is rapidly improving and she's very polite and sweet to everybody with big hugs and kisses all around. Lucas is a cuddle bug, loves his Uncle Colin and is just a happy happy guy!

When I got home from work on the next day, I found a few new pictures on the camera. Ty and Mikaya had gone outside to meet Prima. I had taken her out the night before to feed Prima and Mikayla was brave enough to touch her. She flew back in the house to tell her Daddy, "I touched her! I will see them again next Wednesday before they leave for Texas. Can't wait.

1 comment:

The Looney Kids said...

I love that picture with Prima, I've got one from Christmas 2006 of her and Ty and Prima too...must be a tradition in the making :)