Pet Peeves

OK this is where I might offend some.........sorry. I work in a keep that in paradigm you know.

  • If you are going to a medical appt. where you are going to be examined..let's say X-rayed for instance..try to wear easy to remove clothing and DON'T WEAR ten tons of jewelry that you can't remove for whatever reason! Honestly, you wonder why you have to wait so long to get in? This is ONE of MANY reasons!
  • Why is it that you are upset that you had to wait so long when you take 8000 years to walk to the room, another 8000 years to change and another 8000 years to tell me all your did the last guy..or gal!
  • HELLO!!! Your back, your knees and your hips are going to HURT and WEAR OUT if you are overweight. You are going to be diabetic, you'll snore, won't be able to lie flat on your back and you'll be sick a lot. Your gall bladder will also need removing and if you fall, just your weight will cause you to break something. Oh, and one other thing..I CAN'T hold you up.
  • Nope, can't diagnose you. Not allowed, not trained.
  • Rude people and whiners.
  • Why is it that the people who want their pictures and their results NOW are the ones that won't cooperate so that you can get their exam done?
  • An ER is an EMERGENCY room. For EMERGENCIES. It may surprise you to know that we have to treat the people that are imminently going to DIE as a first priority, which is why your sprained ankle or your knee that's been sore for 3 weeks, might not make it to the top 10 patient list. People who are trying to die, take up a lot of resources; when you are that person, you'll be glad they put you first in line.
  • If I ask you not to move...DON'T!
  • If I come to get you for an exam and you wave me off because you're on your cell phone..then I'll see you WAY later.
OK..enough venting for tonight.


Elissa said...

well the words of pastor Beatty...tell us how you really feel.....pretty please? :)

The Looney Kids said...

I sense a little frustration :) Next time I ever need an x-ray I'll be sure not to do any of that! See you in a few days :)
