Shifting into middle gear

At 45 and almost 46 years of age I am old enough now to say, WITH FEELING, and without reservation that I have lived enough of life to have succeeded wildly at some things and failed miserably at others and since I still consider myself "young-ish" (except when around teenagers), I imagine that there will be many more of life's ups and downs to experience and hence to comment on.

One of my more recent failures, at least financially speaking (because lessons learned are VALUABLE, no matter the dollar cost) was a coffee shop and wine bar which featured a great little stage for open mic nights and evening entertainment. As part of that venture, I sent out a weekly and mostly overly chatty email to anyone who cared to receive it letting them know about upcoming events. As it turned out, that little missive became a very popular read among recipients..because of the chat part, not the event part.. and when the coffee shop closed, I heard from several people that the thing they'd miss most was my weekly email. Now that my life has been readjusted to a more sane pace, I thought I'd start up my weekly chats again..well um..just because I can.

I reserve the right to comment on anything I happen to be randomly thinking about no matter the subject whether deep or trivial; expect it. As a warning, I have anything BUT a one track mind, so if you suddenly find yourself confused, it's probably because I changed the subject without warning and if my thoughts seem paradoxical it's because they probably are. If I make you angry, I am sorry and if you disagree with me that's OK too, but please be civil if you care to comment. I am, in principle, for peaceful discourse and against ranting and raving. I promise to consider your viewpoint as long as you're nice about it, such is the beauty of the delete key.


1 comment:

The Looney Kids said...

One of your children feels left out, by the lack of his picture on your blog.


The other son that gave you grandchildren that also found their way onto your page.