First Trip to Europe

The pipe organ inside the cathedral
Statue inside a greenhouse next to a beautiful (but snow covered) garden in Salzburg.
These building in Salzburg look like they just emerge from the cliff face...

Inside a Salzburg cathedral
Salzburg: Statue of Mozart at evening
Detail on one of the many ceramic stoves in the Fortress, where the pope took his audiences
View from inside the fortress in Salzburg
View from the top of the fortress, Salzburg
On the day before Elissa's 23rd sweet Wayne got up at 3am to take me to the airport for a long awaited trip to Austria where Matt and Tanya Kell live..and have lived for 4 years now.  I can't believe it's been this long since I have seen them (Elissa has been there 3 times!) They are the dearest of people and the most wonderful family one could ever visit. Gracious, kind, generous and exceptional cooks too! Even the kids cook very well..well Elisa and Andrew (13 & 11) do. The twins; Ethan(Markus) and Jaden(Thomas) are too busy being 8 to cook. They did, however make terrific waiters on my first morning there when the kids cooked and delivered breakfast in bed to me, dressed in white button down shirts, black ties and bowler hats.

My only regret of the trip is that Wayne could not go...but never-the-less it was a wonderful visit thanks to Matt & Tanya. Matt & Elisa picked me up from Munich, Germany (about 2 hours drive from their home in Andorf, Austria and Tanya and Andrew delivered me back there through an ice and snow attack on Feb. 20th. In between we visited Salzburg, Vienna Victenstein, St. Roman & Schaerding. We had wonderful visits (and food!) with Tanya's gracious parents Bill and Marianne Saenger, and Tanya's sister Uta.

One of the big highlights for me, was 2 hours spent at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna watching the morning! I drove Tanya crazy commenting on the horses..she would say, "do you mean the horse, or the rider?" We stayed at a monastery in the heart of Vienna for 20 Euros! We went to see the Opera "Salome" at the VIenna Opera house WOW! We went to a wonderful place located in a palace greenhouse, which is now home to a place called the Butterfly house.  In Salzburg (with Matt) we toured the famous fortress, the papal residences (these people had some money!) Many many gorgeous gorgeous amazing churches and lots of beautiful cafes...and Mozart's

Passau is a German city about 35 min. from Andorf. We visited a gorgeous cathedral there and went back again to see a glass museum. 

I took 400+ pictures! The architecture and streets are incredible, the culture very different but very nice. The Austrian's cities are clean and neat, the stored close at 12 for lunch and at 6 for the day, they are also closed on's a very nice without further are some pictures: 

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