April in Texas

Wayne and I at the "Gaylord Texas"
The lead longhorn in Fort Worth, Texas
Colin took me to dinner for my birthday(April 7th) on April 11th...PF Changs paid for the meal to thank Colin for his service...very nice of them...
Wayne and Mikayla payed peek-a-boo..It's "Mr. Wayne" to Mikayla
Lucas and Ty at the aquarium.."I want Down!"
Mikayla plays with a bird...
Lucas and Mikayla love playing in Ty's old cars...

Wayne had a business trip to Dallas during the first week in April, so I took a long weekend to join him there on April 3rd. From there we went to visit Ty & Kara, Mikayla and Lucas. This was the first time they have met Wayne. We went to the Dallas Aquarium..a very cool place, the Fort Worth Stockyards (a tourist attraction now) and in general had a very good time! I hope to post some Easter pics very soon. Wayne took those...We had a busy but fulfilling day. Sunrise service, breakfast at church then a huge meal with Tammy and Steve (Wayne's exwife and her fiance) Patrick, Elissa, Colin and Amanda. We feasted on leg of lamb, mint sauce, yorkshire pudding, deviled eggs, greek salad, wonderful deserts..and a post lent good bottle of wine (or two). YUM!
God has been so good to me this year. I have survived a business melt-down..have a great job, have been able to keep the bills paid. I met Wayne..I love this man very much! Ty was laid off, but has found a job already..Elissa and Colin are doing well, I am so prousd of my children. Kara is having a successful and healthy 3rd pregnancy..Mikayla and Lucas are healthy, smart and precious..Dad has survived an angio with excellent results. I am blessed!!!!!

He is Risen..He is Risen Indeed!