When Montana says Goodbye to Elissa

When the mountains begin to look like stars do, on a very, very dark and clear night, with edges so sharp and vivid that you feel you could reach up and pluck them out of the sky, or perhaps when there's such a glorious full, full moon that you can't breath looking at the vastness of it, you know you're in Montana. It shouts rugged grandeur from every pine covered steep crag, and the air is so dry and populace so sparse you can breath in a whole lung full of air without sharing a molecule of it with anything but the white tail deer. I love Montana.

Missoula, Montana sits in a valley ringed by mountains such as these. A true old brick college town that hums with youthful and mostly liberal, earthy energy. The cars are dirty, the streets are wide, the houses cozy, and historic Old West buildings and churches populate the old downtown next to the Clark Fork River.

Such is the place, at the University of Montana at Missoula where Elissa has spent the last four years, with the exception of this year's Austria adventure Jan. thru May, and such is the place where last weekend(May 10th) she graduated with a Bachelors of Science degree in Business Administration wearing a silver tassel for graduating "with honors" and gold cord for graduating "with high honors" a maroon cord for graduating as a University Scholar with the Davidson Honor's College, and, last but not least a HUGE presidential medal for being selected as an outstanding senior for her work at the University Center..which included not one, but two campus wide swing dances (including marketing) AND she and her group won $1000.00 for their 3rd place undergraduate placing for their "Fitted4" business plan (thanks to Aunt Ginger for the prototype camo pants) in which they also won the best "elevator pitch" award and made it into the top 15 business plans for the WHOLE COMPETITION. Gayland and I and Ray and Maxine watched the final four presentations, and personally, we think she should'a been in the final four!!! No bias here!

We stayed in a great house about 10 miles up I-93 at the edge of an Indian Reservation. Horrible red carpets, but comfortable just the same, with a view of those glorious mountains and edged by a huge pasture full of pregnant and newly delivered mares(mule babies) (I liked this part, don't know about the others). Friday morning we attended the awards ceremony for the Outstandin senior recognition awards, which was followed by a reception at the Davidson Honors College, where the Dean said to Gayland, "you know some kids earn this title and some don't, but yours does". Saturday, we slogged through the long graduation ceremony (times two..geez! the torture, the aching buns!) followed by a barbeque at the ranch attended by Lissa's friend Kelly (fellow graduate) and her family. Sunday, Lissa & I cleaned and packed her apartment, and Gayland and fam. arrived at 1:30 to pack it up into the cars. Wagon's Ho! We were off like a herd of hungry Oregonian's to Mackensie River Pizza., and barreled home, Gayland style, first thing Monday morning. Whew!

By the way, should you ever visit the Cougar Ranch..owed by a wonderful French woman named Helene, you will enjoy the world's BEST french cooking for breakfast!