
Camelias bloom and fade early in spring bringing glossy green leaves and intricate pink blossoms in abundance, then drop to the ground and quickly fade to brown. Next year's contribution to next year's blooms.

Meanwhile, being a clever girl with a socket set and a $12.50 new rototiller belt, I fixed (within 3 different tries at the belt configuration as I can't download the manual & can't find the original)the rototiller is FIXED and the garden is tilled! with only a slight sunburn to show for it.

Meanwhile out on the track..and down in Stayton

Colin has had a very successful track season so far, and last Saturday (while the sun was remarkably OUT and burned my arms!) He had a PR of 170"5". GO COLIN

Later that day...ran down to Stayton in the new ride and celebrated many birthdays with Rob & Karen(BIG news due in 9 months!), Alex, Ginger and David and Mom and Dad (50 years May 24th 2008!) We had a great if not overly boistrous dinner. Mom gave me a bracelet that reads," Isn't it great what clever girls can do...P.Pan) Love it!

What a great weekend! (except for the rototiller breaking)

Spring in Heather's Yard

My back,, shoulders and feet planted all the flow
ers and trees in my yard. This makes Springtime extra special,
because I see the reward of all those hours (and dollars). I gave up on the garden rototilling yesterday..when the drive train belt broke (what a PAIN!) and took flower pictures instead!